About Us

One of the most resourceful and the fastest growing WFOEs in China, Dhariwal provides fully comprehensive services for businesses inside and outside China.

Our Mission

Our mission is to serve our clients to the best of our ability. To help them setup and manage a smooth supply chain in China without having to pay extravagant service fees. Dhariwal is here to make the process of doing business in China easier, faster, safer and transparent.

Our Expertise

With the help of its professional team, Dhariwal provides expertise across a wide range of categories, including but not limited to product sourcing, freight forwarding, package consolidation, product evaluation & inspection services.

  • We strive to provide you with maximum value
  • We do a thorough background check on the suppliers and manufacturers to make sure they are viable and capable before doing business with them.
  • We make sure there are no delays in production and goods reach to market safely & on time.
  • We offer the best cost effective and customized inspection services with our profound team of professionals.

Our Experience

Dhariwal has years of experience with plenty of long-term, trusted customers. We have performed many sourcing projects with strong outcomes and consistent return on investment for our clients. We research the best manufacturers and suppliers, depending on our client’s unique product requirements. Having good direct relationships with plenty of manufacturers in a variety of fields gives us an edge. Whatever your problem we can always find you a solution.

Message from our CEO

“I came to China over 7 years ago. Over the years I realized there’s a huge misconception about China or Chinese products in the rest of the world. Everything here is different than what people outside presume. Infact I’ve rarely or never seen the low-quality products being sold locally that I’ve seen being sold abroad. I’ve met and made friends with people from all regions and all walks of life in China, from the local labor working at minimum wage to Billionaire businessmen that are living larger than life. Living with them, working with them and learning from them gave me keen insights of the culture of China. China doesn’t just have a unique culture and traditions but also has a unique business and work culture which is difficult for foreigners to get used to. I’ve seen some of the most high-quality products and innovations here that people haven’t even thought of yet in the rest of the world. China really doesn’t get its due credit.

As I entered the field of international trade, I was shocked and lost in the beginning. There’s so much misinformation, fraud, deceit, unprofessionalism that it’s very disheartening for anyone new to enter into this business. Even after living in China, speaking fluent Chinese and having access to all the information if it was so difficult for me to enter this business it must be nearly impossible for newcomers to enter.

The sole purpose of starting Dhariwal Business Consultancy was to make the information regarding the entire trading business easily available to the average buyer and entrepreneurs. For wealthier more experienced businessmen or established companies, it’s far easier to do business in China. Some websites did make sourcing from China easier but they have 3 cons that most people might or might not be aware of:

  1. Their product or shipping cost is much higher
  2. Their product quality is low but the product specifications are exaggerated
  3. The companies themselves can be fraudulent. For small businesses, the cost of filing a claim against them and winning is far greater than their loss. Sometimes this one loss can be the death of a small business.

One of the biggest hurdles I faced was that no one wants to help the newcomer. My aim is to help make it easier for all small businesses around the world to setup their complete supply chains for minimal costs and also to show the world the high quality of Chinese products that are actually sold in China. After years of struggle and experience I’ve been able to create the best, most trustworthy & reliable end to end service platform available for international trade.”

Meet Our Team

The smartest people work every day to provide the best service and to make our clients happy

Ahmad Hossam Choudhary

Founder/CEO-Chief Executive Officer

Ahmad Fraz Dhariwal

Founder/ CSO-Chief strategy officer

Phillip Muller

Regional Head (Europe):

Samuel Gadea

Regional Head (South America)

Linny Pu

Country Manager (UK)

Fan Wu

Regional Head (North America)

Sisley Lu

Sales & Marketing Manager

Grace Li

Head of Accounting & Finance

Ivy Peng

Operations Manager

Zheng Hao Yu

Head of Logistics